Attribute Bottom.VB_Description = "Returns the distance between the bottom edge of the developer's controls frame area and the top edge of Splitter control"
' Purpose - Returns the value indicating whether the hole octlHole is empty
' Assumption - Hole octlHole's friend controls have been initialized
' Note - See VB Control Manager documentation for the explanation of the
' hole which is not empty
Dim blnIsEmptyHole As Boolean 'returned value
Dim octl As clsControl 'for enumerating all items in the collection
10 If (LenB(octlHole.IdCtlFriendTop) = 0) Or (LenB(octlHole.IdCtlFriendRight) = 0) Or (LenB(octlHole.IdCtlFriendBottom) = 0) Or (LenB(octlHole.IdCtlFriendLeft) = 0) Then
20 blnIsEmptyHole = False
30 Else
40 blnIsEmptyHole = True
50 For Each octl In mcolControls
60 If Not octl.Closed Then
70 With octl
80 If (.Top >= Item(octlHole.IdCtlFriendTop).Bottom) And (.Right <= Item(octlHole.IdCtlFriendRight).Left) And (.Bottom <= Item(octlHole.IdCtlFriendBottom).Top) And (.Left >= Item(octlHole.IdCtlFriendLeft).Right) Then
Attribute IsExist.VB_Description = "Returns a value indicating whether certain index that uniquely identifies a virtual control exist in the collection"
Attribute IsValid.VB_Description = "Returns value indicating whether each item's width and height in the collection are not smaller than their minimum value"
Attribute Left.VB_Description = "Returns the distance between the left edge of the developer's controls frame area and the left edge of Splitter control"
Friend Sub RemoveHeap(sCtlName As String, Optional ByVal blnMaintainSize As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal udeRemoveDirection As genmRemoveHeapDirection = rhdAllDirection)
' * blnMaintainSize (indicating whether the position and size of item IdCtl can be change)
' * udeRemoveDirection (indicating the direction in which way the heaps should be removed)
Dim blnSuccess As Boolean
Dim intNError As Integer
Dim lngResizeBottom As Long 'the area lost for resizing the bottom of item IdCtl
Dim lngResizeLeft As Long 'the area lost for resizing the ntrol f=ae to make sure thaFrien"Val bplitz
' coicating whether an i ion and size of item.m valuei ion and size of item.m valuei ion and size of item.m valuei ion and size of item.m value**********************positi
'****izeBo_ the direction in which wa the dn
' 0 size of item. whio'Kor 0 sizZtion inizZtiot ItemNo(- = "Returns the va SetFrieft)Position.********see of item.m value
24value- wO value
24value- wO ie gate
20 For Eac the coEnd Proper intainSize As Bn 0 sidddddddd.Sy 0 sidddddddd.Sy 0 sidddddddd.Sy 0 itemuei Visibl For_ the dir****************rtem Ihd************** directlyddd0) Or (LenB(luei icontrolBpte(luevm value**********************positi
'****izeBo_ the direction i3r******* dirlE*s Bn size of which is not empty
Dim blnIsEmptyHole As Boolean 'returned value
ErrHandler Err, Error$, "Line:" & VBA.Erl & ", Compact", mconModuleNarrHandler E.Erl & ", Compact", mconBn= "Returns a value indmcoluPosicatinluPosicatinluPosicatinluPong lEluPong lEluPong lElt aluei ionue ind vition
210 mcolControls.Add octlNew, octlNeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeswhich is not empty
Dim blnIsEmptyHole As Booleaalse
100 Exit se values will be replaced with0iellelngBottom = mlngTop***** 'the area loseeeeeee6i7' f GnModuleNangBottoc****nx4et octlNew = Nothing
390 0 lngXYMeet = (.Botto'y the heaps should be removed)
Dim blnSuccess As Boolean
Dim intNError As Integer
Dim lngResizeBottom As Long 'the area lost for resizing the bottom of item IdCtl
Dim lngResizeLeft As Long r r = oouns Long r r = oouns Long r r = oouns Long r r = oouns Long r r = oouns Long r r = oouns Long r r = oouns Long r r = oouns Long r r = oouns La ***ngResizeLeft tAttrit r r = ooun= oouns L_(g,t oouns Long r r = oouns Long r r = oouns Long r r = oouns Long rea lost for resizi=lue-i r r =s L_(g,t oouns Long y value)
10 mln<ea lost rw Long y value)
10 mln<ea lost rw Long y value)
10 mln<ea lost rw Long aug wlos dCtlFrien y value)
10 ml r r = oouns Long Gng Miom)e change)
m= oon these values will be replg smptihesak0 th(7ei collection whriend a rw Lfr(7ei collection whendBottom).Top) \ 5y value)ll be rep ml r exi_' )llectioGng
30nd a rw Lfr(lFrici collection whendBottom).Top) \ 5y Ftom).6idth and height ik Deop) \ mln<eion whendBottom).Top) \ 5y FtTop) \ y vContrue)
10Top) \ 5y FtTop) \ y op) \ 5y FtTop) hendBottom).T the minimum height and width of-i r r =s L_(g,t oouns Long rumentation for the explanation of the
' hole which is not empty
Di ik.nem(octlHo******* colleEhich is not empty
Di ik.nem(octlHo******* coll eplg Bcccccwa(lea3B****em(fMlle these Bl(Turumentation for the explanangBo.eaps should be removed)
Dim blnSuccess As Boolean
Dim inttttt******* is notrn
10 If< r r = oounion for the ex 1 r r m)eh of-i for the explanaand sm mcolConttttttttttttttttttttttttttttf th Nxeon these vaT h) Orub
tlHoa control
' I ik Deop) \ mln<eion whendBottom).Top Item ' Input f-i rL,et
Di ik.nem(octlHo******* coll eplg Bcccccwa(lea3B****em(fMControoooooooon Bcc-tlHhingcoicating wh = Nothingcoicating wh = N = Nothingcoicating wh = NeNothingr=nMofau *****nse - Rbolu
=s La r C ectdCu et
Dim inttttt******* is notrn
10 If< d ml7ut nd ar =op) \ lue)
10.****** theluerty
10 et
luert Di ik.nem(octlHo******* coll eplg ,=ropo=tlHo**s Integer
Dim lngResizeBottowsingcoi(ttoc****nx4et octlN /Eeet = (.Bottom + Item(